Best Soil for Apple Trees

Apple trees will tolerate a wide range of different soil textures, depth, acidity, and structure, as long as they are well draining and fertile. The best soil for apple trees are well draining medium-clay to sandy loam, fertile soils with…

Will Apple Trees Grow In Shade?

Apple trees will grow in a variety of different shade and sun conditions. The number of hours of direct sunlight is not the only factor that will determine optimal growth. Whether the apple tree receives morning sun or afternoon sun,…

How Long Before Apple Trees Grow Apples

You planted your first apple tree and can’t wait for your first harvest of fresh apples. Apple trees will start growing apples 2-10 years after being planted, depending on the rootstock. Dwarf apple trees will start growing apples 2-3 years…

When Do Apple Trees Bloom?

Apple trees will bloom in early spring between mid-April and mid-May after having met the required chill hours during winter dormancy. Apple tree blossoms depend less on the time of year, and more on the temperature in your region. In…

Are Apple Blossoms and Apple Leaves Edible?

Apple blossoms and apple leaves contain small amounts of hydrocyanic acid – or “cyanide”. However, both the flowers and leaves on an apple tree are edible in small quantities and are high in antioxidants and minerals. Dried apple blossoms can…